Teresita Garcia
Associate Marriage and Family Therapist - AMFT
Hi, I'm Teresita Garcia, and I am an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist. I am a self-motivated, self-directed, diligent, and highly organized individual. I take pride in being hardworking and persistent when it comes to achieving my goals. I am fluent in both English and Spanish, which allows me to connect with a diverse range of clients.
My motivation has always been to help others who may be struggling to understand their challenges. As a clinician, my goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of others and guide them in creating a healthier, more fulfilling world. This goal inspired me to pursue a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I truly believe that every client has the innate ability to grow and become their truest self.
I align most with Solution-Focused and Experiential Family Therapy, as I believe these approaches help individuals identify their emotions, leading to self-growth. I look forward to meeting you and helping you face the challenges life may bring.
I was born and raised in Orange County and earned my Bachelor's Degree from California State University, Long Beach, and my Master's Degree from California State University, Dominguez Hills.
My clinical experience primarily involves working with adolescents, but I have also worked with individuals of all ages. I am passionate about helping others achieve self-empowerment and self-acceptance. I draw inspiration from Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and renowned therapist Virginia Satir, incorporating art therapy interventions to help clients process and express repressed emotions. For self-care, I enjoy creating art and crafts, which helps me stay grounded and inspired.
Specialized Trainings
40 Hour Domestic Violence Advocate Training July 23, 2021
Professional Membership
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT)
Hola, mi nombre es Teresita GarcÃa y soy terapeuta asociada de matrimonio y familia. Soy una persona motivada, autodirigida, diligente y altamente organizada. Me enorgullezco de ser trabajador y persistente a la hora de lograr mis objetivos. Hablo inglés y español con fluidez, lo que me permite conectarme con una amplia gama de clientes. Mi motivación siempre ha sido ayudar a otras personas que puedan tener dificultades para comprender sus desafÃos. Como médico, mi objetivo es generar un impacto positivo en la vida de los demás y guiarlos para crear un mundo más saludable y satisfactorio. Este objetivo me inspiró a realizar una MaestrÃa en Terapia Matrimonial y Familiar. Realmente creo que cada cliente tiene la capacidad innata de crecer y convertirse en su verdadero yo. Me alineo más con la terapia familiar experiencial y centrada en soluciones, ya que creo que estos enfoques ayudan a las personas a identificar sus emociones, lo que conduce al crecimiento personal. Espero conocerte y ayudarte a enfrentar los desafÃos que la vida pueda traer.
Nacà y crecà en el condado de Orange y obtuve mi licenciatura de la Universidad Estatal de California, Long Beach, y mi maestrÃa de la Universidad Estatal de California, DomÃnguez Hills. Mi experiencia clÃnica implica principalmente trabajar con adolescentes, pero también he trabajado con personas de todas las edades. Me apasiona ayudar a otros a lograr el auto empoderamiento y la autoaceptación. Me inspiro en la artista mexicana Frida Kahlo y la reconocida terapeuta Virginia Satir, incorporando intervenciones de arteterapia para ayudar a los clientes a procesar y expresar emociones reprimidas. En cuanto al cuidado personal, disfruto creando arte y manualidades, lo que me ayuda a mantenerme conectado e inspirado.
AMFT #134535
Supervised by: Patricia Morales, PSY #22639